Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finding Fish Chapter 8

This is the final chapter of Finding Fish, it is about Antwone and him sitting one night and coming to the realization that he was called to go out and find his family.

He spent weeks through phone books and family records. He finally went back to Mizz Pickett herself, confronting her, asking her where his family is? And asking what his last name really was? After long refusal and Antwone yelling. She finally tells him what his real mothers name is. And for long nights of calling people with the same last name, in hopes of finding his mother.

One night Antwone calls someone, he explains how he's looking for his mother. It turns out the person he had called at the early hours of the morning was his mothers sister, or in other words Antwone's aunt. She eventually called some of the family and showed Antwone to his mother, it was an award meeting she didn't talk at all.

When Antwone left meeting his mother, he went back to his aunts, and to his surprise, his whole family was there to meet him. All of his aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone was there to meet Antwone Fisher, their long lost family member. Antwone also had a wife LaNette, and his daughter Indigo.

So in conclusion, Antwone may have had a hard life, but it turned out to be a perfect one in the end. But he had many people to thank for his achievements and accomplishments. For he had achieved learning, and all the meanings for the word.

Finding Fish Chapter 7

Antwone has now joined the Navy, he didn't realize that it would be as hard as it was. He hated the boot camp, the sergeants yelling at him, and just the pure agony of the physical workouts. But after being in his platoon, he made a new family.

And also besides the new family, he found a new friend, Commander Williams. This man changed Antwones life from then on and forever. The Commander was helping Antwone find out the reason he had such bad anger problems. Antwone would get into fights with crew members, constantly getting in trouble. But Williams new Antwone was worth working on.

Antwone got comfortable with the Commander, telling him about his life, spilling out every secret he swore he would never reveal to anyone. Commander changed, no! Reshaped Antwone and how he would see things and think things the rest of life.

And the sad sad part for Antwone, after 11 years. He leaves the sea, his one love. And as he docks, he looks back and thinks back of his love for the sea. The clear blue skies in the day, the long star filled nights.

Finding Fish Chapter 6

This chapter starts off a little more considering, well at least the person is I mean. Butch, the man that takes in Antwone after his first night of sleeping on the streets. It all seemed harmless, like Antwone was being rewarded and that he may have a new life...but when he lived with butch for a while he learned that butch was...well, to put it lightly, butch was a very bad cookie!

The new danger Antwone faced was either getting killed by an angry client of butch or getting arrested by the police for simply being with butch. He was living with hookers, drug dealers, and then the drug makers! Antwone was not in a very good position. Antwone was rolling dope, and selling cards that sent peoples kids out for sex, pornography, and anything else they wanted because some of Butch's dope addicts couldn't afford to pay him back for the dope and they took the cards for their kids.

After Antwone caught wind of what was really going on with butch, and that Antwone shouldn't be in Butch's game, he left..well not casually, but he ran away, escaped, got as far from butch as he could. He had to, because if he went back then he would be beaten or killed.

Antwone is on his own again and now need somewhere to hide, he can't sleep in the streets anymore, it's to dangerous. So he sets off for his neighborhood, to his old buddy Jessie to be more exact. But after staying with him a while, they go to a rob the store, Jessie gets shot, laying in a pool of his own blood. Antwone has to flee, which he then ends back up at square one......Being homeless.

Finding Fish Chapter 5

This is a very dark chapter for Antwone. It really shows what it would be like being homeless. In this chapter, Antwone explains how it felt for him sleeping on the streets. To me sleeping on the streets would be a very dark, empty, scary thing. To me it would be like sleeping in pitch black, on the floor with no blankets. Dark, cold and empty.

I applaud Antwone for being brave about it though. Because if it were me, I probably wouldn't have slept the whole night. I will be honest, if I had no where to go, if I was forced to sleep on the streets alone. I would not make it through one day. I would miss everything about not being homeless and break down, loosing it all.

Antwone Fisher ch. 4

The beginning of this chapter kind of sucks because Dwight was no longer in the Picketts foster care because it wasn't working out for Dwight. But then Antwone tells a bit about him, he talks about how Dwight got into some bad stuff. Bad stuff like smoking and listening to music he shouldn't have been listening to.

Dwight was also taking to a Boy's Town, or a correctional facility for misbehaved, adolescent males. And it was a sad and depressing leave for Dwight, he was happy but Antwone was now on his own. He would now have to face the wrath of Mizz Pickett alone.

Antwone became one of those kids that love school because of what happens at home. And he has good reason, only because when he's at school, he gets good grades, he has lots of friends, and he just feels as though it's his haven in general.

I love the very intense scene with Mizz Pickett, Ms Nees, and Antwone in the lobby. I love that Antwone completely owned Mizz Pickett with what he said to her, and the cool thing is...Ms Nees believed "Antwone"!

Antwone Fisher ch. 3

The start of this chapter they are at church, that they hate by the way! If it came down to it, and lets put myself in Antwone's position. If I was going to church every sunday that I didn't like, I would not go, and I know that Antwone just can't straight up not go. Mizz Pickett wouldn't just let him not go anymore. But still, I would find some way or some reason to avoid going to church with Mizz Pickett.

Whenever Mizz Pickett would ever point Antwone and the other kids, I think that they didn't really fully understand what she was actually saying, but I do know that they didn't like the fact she would point them out and ridicule them in front of the whole church. And when Dwight caught the "Holy Ghost" they were so happy with Dwight and not Antwone.

I like the fact that Antwone finally stuck up for himself and told Mizz Pickett that he wasn't going to church anymore and that he would just stay home. And I don't really understand fully why Antwone randomly got up early one morning and just walked around the neighborhood, but I guess it's good to get out of the house every now and then, chance to clear your head I suppose.