Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finding Fish Chapter 6

This chapter starts off a little more considering, well at least the person is I mean. Butch, the man that takes in Antwone after his first night of sleeping on the streets. It all seemed harmless, like Antwone was being rewarded and that he may have a new life...but when he lived with butch for a while he learned that butch was...well, to put it lightly, butch was a very bad cookie!

The new danger Antwone faced was either getting killed by an angry client of butch or getting arrested by the police for simply being with butch. He was living with hookers, drug dealers, and then the drug makers! Antwone was not in a very good position. Antwone was rolling dope, and selling cards that sent peoples kids out for sex, pornography, and anything else they wanted because some of Butch's dope addicts couldn't afford to pay him back for the dope and they took the cards for their kids.

After Antwone caught wind of what was really going on with butch, and that Antwone shouldn't be in Butch's game, he left..well not casually, but he ran away, escaped, got as far from butch as he could. He had to, because if he went back then he would be beaten or killed.

Antwone is on his own again and now need somewhere to hide, he can't sleep in the streets anymore, it's to dangerous. So he sets off for his neighborhood, to his old buddy Jessie to be more exact. But after staying with him a while, they go to a rob the store, Jessie gets shot, laying in a pool of his own blood. Antwone has to flee, which he then ends back up at square one......Being homeless.

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